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Sunday, January 22, 2012


Along with the fear of flying comes the fear of succeeding. I just read a fabulous article that was tweeted by Dallas Travers (if you don't already know her, as an actor you need to!). It was all about tending to give only 95% instead of 100% and therefore being mediocre at everything instead of amazing at something.

This is totally how I live my life. Lately I've been half a**ing my workouts and then wondering why I'm not seeing the results I want or imagine I should be seeing. Well, duh!

Same goes for my acting career. I get auditions and after complaining about never getting auditions I don't prepare until the night before! What is wrong with me? Then, of course I don't get callbacks.

This is a terrible terrible cycle leading to non-success.

I fear that if I become successful I won't know what to do or how to handle it. If I succeed, then what?

Well, fear be gone! I no longer will hold back. I'm going to conquer everything put my mind too and if it doesn't feel like 100% I'm gonna stop being a child and try my hardest.

There. It's out there. There's no going back.


  1. I wish it were that simple. As much as the body image changes with more elements than exercise, I believe that an increased number of callbacks occurs with more elements than better preparation.

    I used to think in terms that were clean and absolute. You're a step ahead of where I was, because when things didn't go my way, or I couldn't put 100% in something, I'd complain and speak defeat before I even tried.

    The most important thing for me now is serenity. Balance. Accepting that each time I step into something, audition or whatever, it is an opportunity to engage the moment. I will ALLOW myself to live in this moment 100%, and accept that, regardless of what happened, it was the best that came out of me.

    1. Thanks for reading (and commenting!). All feedback and discussion is welcome on my blog! I'll never be offended by someone else's opinions because after all I'm putting myself out there to be judged, aren't I?

      You're absolutely right about balance. I recently had a career coaching session where she told me I need to think about what makes me happy. What am I doing when I'm the absolute happiest? Not 'in my career', but in my life. When I figure that out then the struggle of my career won't feel so in vain. I liked, on to my journey for serenity and balance in all aspects of my life...
